Monday, December 14, 2009

World Health Organization Torrent What Is The Current USA Limit For Radon Gas? Is This Regulated By The EPA Or World Health Organization?

What is the current USA limit for radon gas? Is this regulated by the EPA or World Health Organization? - world health organization torrent

My inspector told me that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and do not regulate how the framework is radon gas, but now the World Health Organization ( Is he right?


Claire said...

It is a recommendation to the rule. The WHO recommends corrective action to 2.7 pCi / l. This level is on the statistical data on the risks and dangers caused by exposure to radon.

badhabyt said...

The answer is that neither regulate the EPA or radon, now or in the past. Ordinary contains requirements. What they do is to simplify the guidelines for human use. The recommended limits are slightly different (4 v. 2.7). These levels are basically the same within the limits of the assay and the EPA can approve the least. But if a home buyer and the seller agrees, the house can be sold, regardless of the level of radon, except in certain states. All settlements in the United States are from the state and local level. See the references to see which states have rules. Most do not and most of the rules are applicable to new development and not on other properties.

Ben Lombardi said...

In September 2009 the action of the World Health Organization radon level 2.7 PCI / L is not only America but around the world. the risk of lung cancer

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