Sunday, December 6, 2009

Poptropica Dogs How Do You Get Past The Seagull On Big Nate Island On Poptropica?

How do you get past the seagull on Big Nate Island on Poptropica? - poptropica dogs

I have cookies and stink bomb, but my character keeps saying he does not lose a stink bomb. And I tried to smell with the three girls on the playground pump, but did not work. I need more of a joke book thingy.

What should I know about gulls, girls, and what happens to the dog Spitzy?


Guinea Piggies said...

Here's the seagull
First, go to the lighthouse site. Take the piece of paper floating flight. This is a picture. Visit to imaging for commercial and diving equipment. Back to the lighthouse and talk to Captain Salty. He wants you to bring the lobster trap, diving, snorkeling, and scroll down to find the trap. Beware of bubbles. Bring him, and he will give you a lobster and buttons. the use of lobster to the lighthouse and the light of the gloss gull, and flies.

Guinea Piggies said...

Here's the seagull
First, go to the lighthouse site. Take the piece of paper floating flight. This is a picture. Visit to imaging for commercial and diving equipment. Back to the lighthouse and talk to Captain Salty. He wants you to bring the lobster trap, diving, snorkeling, and scroll down to find the trap. Beware of bubbles. Bring him, and he will give you a lobster and buttons. the use of lobster to the lighthouse and the light of the gloss gull, and flies.

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