Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lip Pierced White White Stuff Coming Out Of Newly Pierced Lip?

White stuff coming out of newly pierced lip? - lip pierced white

Been negotiated, since Wednesday.
Stuff White sticky hole?
You do not know what is, or should it be ...


Beautifully Broken (Suspended) said...

Its nodes. Its perfectly normal, it means healing.

Alzarial said...

Yes, fear nothing, but we recommend that you do the best you can use cleaning products should be received properly clean. If there is an easy way to clean is to place a look here. ...

"Today most professional piercers agree that the best way, a new piercing with antibacterial soap. They should no fragrances or dyes which irritate a piercing and discomfort or an allergic reaction"

After cleaning, followed by a salty sea water soaked. Sea salt is rich in natural health available, piercing and tattoo studios and a variety of other businesses "


Canada Kicks ツ said...

It is only the white blood cells. It is the natural shape of the body to protect itself, as when one is sick, everything that does not belong in your body that attack white blood cells. Your body has the metal and try to kill them. Do not worry, the blood cells have no luck;)

Devon said...

Normal! I had too. I have before my pericing two weeks.

Bekah said...

Are you looking for, or do it yourself?

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